Stimulsoft Reports
Reporting tools
Stimulsoft Reports offers a wide selection of products for creating reports of any complexity. It comprises a large set of data sources, numerous components for analyzing and visualizing your data, dozens of formats for exporting finished documents, an easy-to-use designer, an interactive viewer for reviewing reports, and much more.
How does it work?
Reporting tools from Stimulsoft include a robust designer featuring a familiar Ribbon interface, a viewer component for displaying reports, and a specialized functionality called the Publish wizard. This wizard enables swift and effortless integration of reports into your projects.
Reporting tools from Stimulsoft include a robust designer featuring a familiar Ribbon interface, a viewer component for displaying reports, and a specialized functionality called the Publish wizard. This wizard enables swift and effortless integration of reports into your projects.
Reporting capabilities
The tools of the Stimulsoft Reports product line are designed to facilitate a complete cycle of data visualization and processing. With these tools, you can design, edit, print, view, and export reports of any complexity. Also, you have the ability to share reports with colleagues and integrate them into your application.
For this we have
Useful resources
To work with the product, we prepared user documentation, video tutorials, a large collection of prepared report templates and much more.
Charts and barcodes
More than 50 chart types are available for data analysis and visualization, as well as many barcodes, including specialized postal barcodes used in countries.
Filtering and sorting
It supports working with parameters, multilevel reports, interactive filtering, sorting, and grouping data.
Multiple export formats
The generated report can be easily printed, sent via email, or saved in over 40 different data formats, including PDF, Excel, MS Word, HTML, and many more.
The interface of our products has been translated into 30+ languages worldwide, and various cultures and fonts are supported, as well as input formats, numbers, and dates.
Ability to share reports
After creating and rendering a report, you can send it by email and share it with subscribers and business partners on social networks.
Data for reports
Our tools provide extensive support for connecting data in various ways, encompassing both the functionalities of the report and dashboard designer, as well as programmatic approaches. We offer compatibility with a wide range of data servers, including MS SQL, Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more. Our tools fully support all standard OData protocol types. In addition to this, you can retrieve data from XML, JSON, Excel, and other file sources.
With our tools, you have the flexibility to perform preliminary data preparation and transformation. You can create virtual sources and even embed data directly into the report template as resources. These features are just a glimpse of the vast capabilities of Stimulsoft tools when it comes to handling data.
More features
Report Checker
This tool is used to verify reports and detect errors during or after their creation. The checker displays all messages about found issues and problems.

Automate the process of exporting, saving and sending a report by email according to a given schedule.

Mobile device support
You can view finished documents on any type of mobile device, from tablets to smartwatches.

A full circle of work with reports that are stored in the Stimulsoft Cloud.

Report Wizards
A lot of report wizards and settings of components.

Standard UI
All our products use a unified approach to creating reports, dashboards, and forms, and the tools have a universal interface. Just once learn the basics of working with a designer to create documents.

Reporting product line
Stimulsoft Reports offers a comprehensive suite of reporting tools. Our range includes tools for integration into applications developed in JavaScript, Angular, Blazor, .NET, and other platforms. Additionally, we provide the BI Cloud service, BI Designer desktop and online applications, as well as the BI Server, which is a client-server system enabling a full cycle of report management and collaboration.